We practiced our presentation over and over.
Later that Monday a solider came to visit the school. We had a project called “project Christmas cards”. Many of the students wrote Christmas cards and they were sent to American soldiers in Afghanistan. The solider that came to visit us was one of the ones that received the cards. We greeted him in the auditorium. The band played and the cheerleaders cheered. After that a small group of students got to come to the library and ask him questions and eat cake. He had many interesting things to tell. Chanel 5 was there too, and I actually came out on TV. Wow I'm famous :p!
Tuesday and Wednesday we practiced more. And when they came on Thursday we were fully prepared. We were really spirited and bragged as much as we could about the school. We did a good job, when they announce the winner on May 2nd I really hope we are the winners !
On Thursday I also had my first track meet. It was so much fun. I ran 400m and 800m. I was very nervous before I ran. I was afraid that I was going to be last and way behind everyone else because this is the first year I'm in track. I did ok, for a first timer. At least I wasn't last.
On Friday the principal got me out of class again, this time we went on the buss. We went to get measured for a letterman jacket. The jackets are in your school color and has the first letter of your school it. You can get your name and patches on it. The patches are for the sports or clubs you are in. These jackets are worth $200. You get them if you have been in a club or in varsity (the a team) in a sport for 2 years. I'm only here for one year, but my principle wanted me to have one, so she is going to pay for it!
After practice on Friday we went to Mercedes to a cook of. It is only about 20 min away, but still we went in the RV and spent the night over there. My host dad was awake all night an put the first meat in the bbq pit at 4 am. He cooked chicken, brisket, fajitas, beans and ribs. It all tasted so goooood! I ate and ate all day! We didn't win any prices, but it was a fun experience and a lot of good food!
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