Saturday may 29th already. The day of graduation. Graduation is a day many teenagers have been waiting for and others never thought they would ever experience. The ceremony was very long. First they had the presentation of the colors, then the national anthem, followed by the pledge of allegiance and tree speakers. After about an hour and 15 min it was finally our turn to go up on stage. We were organized in alphabetical order, and by the time they were doing the I's I already wanted it to be over. With a graduating class of 470 students they hit a new record for the school.

After the ceremony i went to my friends graduation party, her whole family and some close friends were there. We had a lot of fun singing karaoke eating and talking and taking pictures. Sunday I went to a gaduation lunch before i went home to start my packing.

Monday we went to the airport to see Renan leave. The time have gone
by so fast and tomorrow it's my turn to leave already. The rest of the day I spent with my friends. We made scrapbooks so we can look at all the silly and funny things we did together also when we are apart. Two of my closest friends Carolina and Adan left out of town that day so it was the last day i had with them. For any little thing we would cry because we knew that we wouldn't see each other in a long time. Carolinas mom and sister even called her, and said that they were crying because I'm leaving and I had only met them twice before.
On Tuesday I went to the movies one last time with some friends before I leave. We saw Shrek in 3D. It was pretty cool and my first 3D movie. To day I spent the day trying to finish packing before I went to the mall with my friend Maria. I bought a lot of stuff so I had to repack and take some stuff out of my suitcases.
Tomorrow is the day I leave and I still can't believe it. It feels so unreal. Many people ask me "do you want to go home already?" and I always answer "Yes and no. Yes because I miss my family my friends my house and everything else. No because when i leave im gonna miss my family, my friends and everything here". Sometimes I ask my self why would i do this to my self. It's just a whole lot of missing, but then I remember all the fun I've had and it really is worth it.
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