In my 2nd week in Texas I got registered for school. We went to my high school where we had to fill out a lot of forms. After all the forms were filled out the nurse checked my weight, hight, hearing and sight. The last thing we had to do was go and talk to my counslor she helped me set up a schedule. The classes I'm taking is: U.S. History, American Government, Economics, English 4, Spanish 1, Girls Athletics, Algebra 2, Physics and Anatomy & Physics. I'm really excited about going to school now. To meet new people and see how the American school system is really like. I'm a little nervous too. The school I'm going to has 2300 students! That is quite a lot compared to the 450 that was on my previous school.
This week I also went to get a haircut. I didn't do anything drastic just trimming it a little, but the price I had to pay was ridiculous. It was 8 dollars! In Norway you have to pay between 50 and 80 dollars. I was a little concerned that I would have too little money while I'm here, bot now I don't think it is going to be a problem. Everything is super cheep here.
Our weekend was really busy on Friday after everyone got home we cleaned the house. We were done within an hour because everyone helped. After the house was shining and clean we went to go bowling. It was a lot of fun especially because I won.
On Saturday Shara had her last basketball game, we went to see her win again and afterwards everyone in the team and they're families were invited to a pool/ bbq- party. It was lots of good food and cakes. We had a great time!
On Sunday we went to the flee-marked. It's a place where they sell everything you can imagine. They had turtles and ducks, fruit and vegetables, and new and used clothes, shoes and computers. After we had been looking around for a while we went to the mall. I bought a lot of stuff. I needed a backpack and clothes for school. The have dress-codes at my school so I had to make sure I had enough clothes that I'm going to bee allowed to use. I also bought a pair of shoes and some earrings. Because I'm worth it ;)
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