onsdag 26. august 2009

More school

Today and yesterday was a lot easier. I know a few people, I know now the lunch system and where my classrooms are. In my first biology class we had a quiz, 5th grade level. Are you smarter than a 5th grader? It was hard, but I still got 10 out of 12 right so it wasn't too bad. Some of the questions were: How many muscles is in a human body? How long is your small intestine? Some of the question were multiple choice though, if not I wouldn't have scored that high.
Today I had both English and Spanish, and I spoke more Spanish in English class than In Spanish class! There was a guy that started ti talk Spanish to me and I told him that I don't speak Spanish very well, but he kept speaking Spanish. I didn't under stand much, because he was speaking fast and mumbling at the same time so it was extra hard. I just nodded and smiled when there was something I didn't get.
Today we had bad luck. Americans are very paranoid so I'm not allowed to walk home even though it would probably not take me more than 15 min. To day my host parents got out of work late so I had to stay at school for 2 hours and 30 min after my classes was done That was not very fun and I was hungry! When They finally picked me up we had to go back to my hostmom's work to look for my hostsisters backpack that she had lost. It took about 30 min before we found it. My host dad was with one of my hostsisters at practice and he managed to lock bough his keys inside the truck so he couldn't get in. After a while someone called they cops because they thought he was going to steal it! And about the time we all got home it was already 8:30.
One thing that I forgot to mention last time was what A and B days are. My schedule is divided in two so I have half of my classes one day and the other half the next day. The first half I have on A days and the other on B days. So if I have an A day on Monday I have B day on Tuesday and than A on Wednesday again.

1 kommentar:

  1. OMG! det er sykt kult aa hore om hvordan du har det i USA! jeg viste ikke at de var saa strenge paa klesfronten. Min skole har i skottland har unniform, men de er ikke stenge med unniformen i det hele tatt! alle bruker slipset som en knute langt nede paa magen. Men saa lenge du har slipset paa deg gjor det ikkeno.. :Dhores i hvertfal ut som du har det kjempebra!
