1. Find the perfect dress- Well I already had a dress that I had only worn once in Norway it was a nice dress and since no one here had seen it before I decided not to waste money on a new dress. I asked my parents to bring it when they came down and they did.
#1 check
2. Get the nails done- Tuesday before prom me and my two 0f my best friends here went to a nails salon and got our hands and feet polished.
#2 check
3. Get the flowers- Here in America you buy your date flowers that matches the girls dress. The guy wears his on the tux- jacket and the girl wears hers around the wrist. My hot mom was so nice as to order mine for me.
# check
4.Hair and make-up- My friends aunt is a dermatologist or something like that so she agreed to do our hair and make-up, and of course we had to test try it first so we did that on Tursday.
#4 check
I was all ready for prom. When the day finally arrived we had a few problems:
1. My hostparents weren't home so they couldn't take me to my friends house where I was going to get my hair and make-up done
2. My friends truck was stolen so they could not pick me up either.
3. When my hostparents finally came home and were ready to take me we were just going to stop by the bank so i could get some money out. My card decided to stop working (and it hasn't been working since)
My date who was also my neighbor came driving down the street in his truck followed by his younger brother and his two sisters. We took pictures and then it was time to leave. We went to my friends house and took some more pictures there (some of the guys found it a little embarrassing as her whole family including two sisters, one brother, her parents, three of her aunts and 5 of her cousins were there to judge them). And then..
4. When we were ready to go me AND my hostbrother remebered that we had forgotten our tickets at home, so we had to go back home and get them.
5. My dates friend who we were going to follow to the actual location had gotten the wrong flowers for his date so he had to go back to the flower shop and get the right ones.
When we after some problems on our way got to the ball room we had a lot of fun talking, dancing and taking pictures.
My date doesn't go the same school as me, so I went to his prom the week after. I was afraid that it was going to be weard because I didn't know a lot of people there, but it was actually not at all. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet many new people.
Høres kjempe spennende ut! Jeg gleder meg eldig til mitt skoleball her i Skottland. Spessielt å se alle gutta i Kilt.
SvarSlettHøres gøy ut selv om du hadde noen problemer :D