Two weeks ago we had District for Track and Field which is the most important meet of the year. As usual I ran the 400 and 800m runs. I was very nervous, it was going to be my last meet in Texas and my coach expected me to do well. I ran the 400 first and PRd (personal record) by 6 seconds! I was so happy, 6 seconds is a lot! Then I was going to run the 800. I gave it my very best and used every trick my coach had taught me. It really payed of! I PRd by 20 seconds! I could not believe it! It was definitely my best meet.
I'm done running now, but I try to run a little on my spare time to stay in shape. Track really gave me more muscles than I have ever had before. I really hope I will continue to run when I come home. I didn't get fat as an exchange students as many others. I learned to like sports and got in shape. 

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