fredag 11. september 2009

As the time pass by

I can't believe I have been here 55 days already! The time has passed by so quickly. I just finished my 3rd week at PSJA memorial and I really can't believe it. I have only got 38 more weeks down here in the Rio Grande Vally. I'm really going to miss this place when i leave about 9 months from now.

I have not been feeling very well the last week. It started last Sunday. My head was hurting, my nose was stuffed and I was coughing. It got worse on Wednesday so I stayed home from school and went to the doctor. He checked me fore the svineflue, but it wasn't that. He didn't really tell me what was wrong, but he gave me a bunch of medications first a got a shot so the symptoms would go away faster, then he gave me allergy pills, antibiotics and nose spray. I'm feeling a lot better now.

In athletics today we ran a mile on time. They told us that the goal was for us to do it on less than 8 min. I did it on 8:50. It wasn't too bad after all I'm still a little sick and there were people that used 12 min. I'm really starting to get in shape and I love it because I have so much energy.

I got my second package from mom and dad today. More chocolate :D My host family really love the chocolate from Norway. I also got some magazines candies and some flower and breads that are gluterfree.

Yesterday we were at a store called Sam's. They sell everything furniture, TVs food, cloths +++ and do you know what i saw there? Jarlsberg cheese form Norway! It even said made in Oslo, Norway on it! I think that is pretty cool they fly the cheese all the way down here to the boarder of Mexico.

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